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Linda: English-speaking Sales Advisor at Sephora

Could you please present your professional background?

I arrived in France in 2017 and started working in 2018 at Mango Outlet for almost a year as a sales consultant. I then worked as a perfumery sales hostess at Charles de Gaulle airport for 8 months.

During the Covid-19 period, I couldn't find a job, but I started again in 2021 as a sales assistant at Comptoir des Cotonniers where I worked for 2 months.

I also worked in sales and advice in the lingerie sector for a year and a half.

How did you find a job in this company?

MisterBilingue first spotted me and contacted me. Then, I went on your website and saw an interesting offer, so I applied for it and I had to follow the recruitment process.

What are the differences between the French way of working and Greek's?

In Greece, we generally work from morning to night with long working hours. You don't necessarily get breaks during the day, and for contracts, trial periods are often 3 days.

Here in France, breaks are almost indispensable and employees have trial periods of 2 months most of the time.

Was the hiring process similar to the one you had in Greece?

I think that in France the recruitment process is rather complicated. There is a lot of attention given to everything that makes up the candidate, from character to professional profile.

In contrast, in Greece, recruiters are simply looking for people who work, regardless of their personality or character. Efficiency and investment are more important than anything else there.

What are the differences in the "everyday life" that surprised you the most in France?

First of all, I find that the mentalities are totally different.

Secondly, if we talk about culture, in Greece there are almost only native people, whereas in France there are a multitude of different cultures.

What do you miss the most about your home country?

I feel like the dishes have much fresher flavours in Greece. I like Mediterranean food because it's refreshing, and that’s what is perhaps missing in France.

Culture is really diverse here in France, where's a good place to buy good Greek stuff in Paris?

I don't have a favourite place to go to find my culture. However, in Paris, there are several places where Greek culture is present, notably the Saint-Michel district.

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