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John: American community manager at Superprof

Could you please introduce yourself and your professional background?

My name is John Thompson, and I was born in the US and I studied in Florida. I have a bachelor degree, and I came to Paris for my master 2 in management. I am currently doing an internship as a community relations manager at Superprof.

Why did you choose to come to France?

I wanted to see more of the world. You know, I am quite young (23 years old), I felt the need to explore new cultures, new ways of living. Moreover, I think that travelling the world is a great way to get open minded.

How did you find a job in this company?

I applied on Misterbilingue’s website, and I got contacted by Superprof’s HR manager.

How did you know about our website?

I am not fluent in French and I was looking for a job where French was not mandatory. So, I was looking for a job board where I could find jobs and use my English as a first language. Misterbilingue was the first platform on my Google search ! I really liked how the website works.

Is there any difference between the country you come from and France regarding job search?

Regarding the CV, the structure is very similar ; you need to put your skills, your work experience, your education etc… But the US’ CV is longer than the french one, and there is no picture on it ! Moreover, I would say that the employment market is more “client focused”, meaning that here, you need to know people and have relationships in order to find a job easily. Then, in the US, there are more types of contracts while in France, people kind of only have CDD and CDI. And of course, the salary in the US is also different… (chuckles)

Was it hard to find a job in France?

Paris allows for more international exposure, because Paris is very diverse ! I saw that network is very important in France. Especially because I am young, I need to have a network, which is hard… I did not have any “real” experience, as a young graduate student I only did some internships.

What was your first impression when you started to work in France?

I was very used to having an international environment, I did not feel any big difference, multiple languages and multiple cultures are being represented at Superprof, and I really liked that vibe… To be honest, I can not say that I have a “full french company experience”.

Can you please give us advice for a good onboarding in a French company?

The very first thing to say is that companies should be more international (chuckles). Then, you need to try your best and try to be comfortable, both employers and employees should try to help foreigners to integrate, help them to learn French. At Superprof, even if my work is in English, they help me with French. But the most important thing is to try your best, look at the job description to be sure it is made for you. You have to find something that is meaningful to you.

What are the main differences between France and the US regarding the way people work?

First, in the US paid holidays do not really exist (chuckles)... I enjoy days off in France ! Regarding the dress code, I was used to suit and tie in the US because I had to, as I was working in an industry that requires suit and tie. Here, you can dress more or less the way you want. Concerning working hours, in the US you are expected to work longer hours, as you work more that 40 hours per week. Therefore, you might make more money in the US, but European culture is more balanced between job and private life. In other words, the best thing to do is to go see the world and see how it works in other countries. Doing this, you are able to remember what is pleasant in your own country and what you like abroad.

Any french dish you hate?

I am not really a fan of escargots, but for the rest I love french food.

Do you think you are going to stay in France?

I really do ! I want to stay at Superprof for 2 more years at least ! Then, I will re-evaluate where I am in my career, what I want to do to progress, and where I want to be. I might want to live in the South of France ? I was thinking about Montpellier, I like their lifestyle !

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